# | Name | Released at |
92 | Strid - End of Life | 1993 |
49 | Forgotten Woods - As the Wolves Gather | 1994-12 |
11 | Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare | 1996-04 |
15 | Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions | 2000-05 |
19 | Shining - Within Deep Dark Chambers | 2000 |
78 | Shining - Livets Ändhållplats | 2001-08-27 |
4 | Silencer - Death - Pierce Me | 2001-10-30 |
98 | Krohm - Crown of the Ancients | 2002-03-13 |
8 | Forgotten Tomb - Songs to Leave | 2002-08-04 |
94 | Peste Noire - Macabre Transcendance... | 2002 |
72 | Luror - The Iron Hand of Blackest Terror | 2003-04 |
39 | Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression | 2003-08-04 |
60 | Nargaroth - Geliebte des Regens | 2003-11 |
74 | Xasthur - Telepathic With the Deceased | 2004-06 |
33 | Forgotten Tomb - Love's Burial Ground | 2004-09-11 |
13 | Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia | 2004-09-12 |
69 | Veil - Dolor | 2004-12-12 |
27 | Mortifera - Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera | 2004-12 |
14 | Shining - IV: The Eerie Cold | 2005-03-16 |
93 | Beatrik - Requiem of December | 2005-03-28 |
17 | Make a Change... Kill Yourself - Make A Change... Kill Yourself | 2005-06-23 |
99 | Woods of Infinity - Ljuset | 2005-10-10 |
75 | ColdWorld - Thestarsaredeadnow | 2005 |
36 | Anti - The Insignificance Of Life | 2006-01-18 |
45 | Sterbend - Dwelling Lifeless | 2006-04-13 |
96 | Inferi - Shores of Sorrow | 2006-06-19 |
64 | Elysian Blaze - Levitating The Carnal | 2006-07-18 |
5 | Lifelover - Pulver | 2006-07-24 |
44 | Nocturnal Depression - Four Seasons To a Depression | 2006-07 |
91 | Peste Noire - La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence | 2006-08-02 |
32 | Life is Pain - Bloody Melancholy | 2006-08-20 |
30 | Xasthur - Subliminal Genocide | 2006-09-12 |
97 | Hypothermia - Veins | 2006-09-21 |
83 | Sombres Forêts - Quintessence | 2006-12-19 |
26 | ColdWorld - Melancholie | 2006 |
95 | Trist - Stíny | 2006 |
63 | Nocturnal Depression - Soundtrack for a Suicide - Opus II | 2007-02-21 |
3 | Lifelover - Erotik | 2007-02-24 |
34 | Hypothermia - Rakbladsvalsen | 2007-02-24 |
41 | Nae'blis - Sketches Of Reality | 2007-03-30 |
18 | Make a Change... Kill Yourself - II | 2007-06-11 |
61 | Austere - Withering Illusions and Desolation | 2007-07 |
40 | Trist - Zrcadlení melancholie | 2007-11-05 |
37 | Gris - Il était une forêt... | 2007-12-20 |
38 | Gris - Il Était une Forêt | 2007-12-20 |
71 | Blutklinge - Reflection of a Bleak Mind | 2007-12-22 |
9 | Thy Light - Suici.De.pression | 2007 |
24 | Shining - VII - Född Förlorare | 2007 |
53 | Sombres Forêts - Royaume De Glace | 2008-02 |
89 | ColdWorld - Melancholie² | 2008-03-24 |
22 | ColdWorld - The Stars Are Dead Now | 2008-05-12 |
20 | Nyktalgia - Peisithanatos | 2008-05-20 |
52 | Veil - Sombre | 2008-07 |
73 | Wedard - Wo Die Ewigkeit Die Zeit Berührt | 2008-09-15 |
51 | Hypothermia - Kaffe & Blod | 2008-09-20 |
82 | Svarti Loghin - Empty World | 2008-09-20 |
2 | Lifelover - Konkurs | 2008-10-10 |
77 | Nocturnal Depression - Reflections Of A Sad Soul | 2008-11-24 |
6 | Totalselfhatred - Totalselfhatred | 2008-12-11 |
43 | Woods of Desolation - Toward The Depths | 2008-12 |
79 | Happy Days - Melancholic Memories | 2008 |
62 | When Mine Eyes Blacken - When Mine Eyes Blacken | 2009-01-28 |
7 | Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes | 2009-02-27 |
80 | Sui Caedere - Thrène | 2009-03-31 |
50 | Apati - Eufori | 2009-06-06 |
48 | Happy Days - Happiness Stops Here | 2009-07-23 |
21 | Nargaroth - Jahreszeiten | 2009-09-12 |
1 | Lifelover - Dekadens | 2009-09-28 |
46 | Austere - Only The Wind Remembers | 2009-11-16 |
65 | Self-Inflicted Violence - A Perception Of Matter and Energy | 2009-11-23 |
76 | Pensées Nocturnes - Grotesque | 2010-03-27 |
28 | Apati - Morgondagen inställd i brist på intresse | 2010-05 |
100 | Shroud of Distress - Be Happy | 2011-01-01 |
16 | Lifelover - Sjukdom | 2011-02-11 |
12 | Heretoir - Heretoir | 2011-02-25 |
87 | Trist - Nostalgie | 2012-04-04 |
31 | Shining - The Eerie Cold | 2012-07-01 |
47 | Shining - Redefining Darkness | 2012-10-29 |
29 | Make a Change... Kill Yourself - Fri | 2012-12-12 |
23 | Thy Light - No Morrow Shall Dawn | 2013-07-20 |
68 | Shining - 8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd | 2013-09-23 |
90 | Wintercult - The Last Winter | 2013-10-04 |
85 | Xasthur - 2004 - Telepathic With The Deceased | 2013-10-31 |
59 | Germ - Grief | 2013-11-04 |
57 | Ghost Bath - Funeral | 2014-02-04 |
66 | Ofdrykkja - A Life Worth Losing | 2014-04-02 |
10 | Ghost Bath - Moonlover | 2015-04-10 |
25 | Shining - IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends | 2015-04-20 |
35 | Psychonaut 4 - Dipsomania | 2015-04-23 |
42 | Nocturnal Depression - Spleen Black Metal | 2015-05-25 |
86 | Ethereal Shroud - They Became the Falling Ash | 2015-06-09 |
88 | Advent Sorrow - As All Light Leaves Her | 2015-08-13 |
58 | Kalmankantaja - Tyhjyys | 2016-04-30 |
56 | Psychonaut 4 - Neurasthenia | 2016-10-07 |
84 | Ghost Bath - Starmourner | 2017-04-21 |
70 | None - none | 2017-10-17 |
55 | Ofdrykkja - Irrfärd | 2017-12-18 |
81 | Totalselfhatred - Solitude | 2018-04-27 |
67 | Shining - III : Angst | 2018-10-19 |
54 | Psychonaut 4 - Children of The Night | 2018-12-27 |